The title sounds dramatic... in reality, it's not so much. I've been battling the dregs of not wanting to work on my current WIP. This is nothing new. It seems I'm all energy and creativity in the beginning and middle of a manuscript, then my brain turns to a new project before we've finished what we're working on.
Image courtesy of Stockvault
I'm used to it and I always just go with it. If my brain decides it has a great idea of a children's book, I'll entertain the notion. It's part of my process, I guess.
But my current, A Girl's Guide to the Bermuda Triangle has been interrupted more times than it should. It's going on the 4th big interruption. It will get finished. I have the final scenes mapped out and I know where my characters are going. Now I just have to get after that part of my brain that wants to procrastinate finishing the darn thing.
This will be a nice end cap for my Girl's Guide series. First it was ancient Greece, then Purgatory, now the Bermuda Triangle. Who knows, I might find another crazy, wacky place for someone to go in the future. But for now, I'm going to make myself complete this book 3.
Stay tuned and happy writing!