Monday, May 31, 2021

Book selling events set!

 I have June events scheduled to sell books! It's been one year and seven months since I've been to such an event. For some reason, I'm terribly nervous! And really excited, too. I have eight new books to debut that include adult supernatural adventure and several children's books (and corresponding coloring books).

Now that I'm fully vaccinated, I feel a little more comfortable going out in public. Unfortunately my daughter's age hasn't been called for the vaccine yet, but we're still wearing masks when we go to stores. Outdoor events we feel more comfortable now.

My first two events in June are all outdoors. I have masks ready and hand sanitizer on the ready to place on my selling tables. July is my one and only event that is indoors, but it's usually pretty small and I'll be fully masked.

Now is the time where I need to remember what my pitch is for each book I have. It's been so long, I've forgotten how to quickly tell someone interested a little bit about my book without stumbling over words. 

The only one that comes to mind right now is for A Girl's Guide to Purgatory: A girl dies, goes to Purgatory and falls in love with the manager.

Now I just have to remember ten more! Easy peasy!

Everyone stay healthy and write on!
