Monday, December 4, 2023

New adventure story for 2024!

 I'm working on a new book for next year, and it's not connected to any series I've written before. It's a historical fantasy romance... yes, I know, but it's my favorite thing to write. I'm only a third of the way complete, but I'm aiming for a late spring completion. I wanted to bring my love of Arabian horses to the written page. 


      Photo courtesy of

Add in a long-dead, very angry pharaoh and I might have some big adventure in store for my two main characters: Olive and Ben.

The story is set in the 1890's - the height of vacation tourism in Egypt before the world wars. My research had me learning about how boats were sank to get rid of the rats before it could sail down the Nile, about raptors and their meaning in ancient Egypt, and other fun stuff.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for sneak peeks!

Enjoy your holidays and write on!
